But today, I finally found some much-needed inspiration, thanks to a dear friend. Over the months, she's been striving - and with great success - to live in the moment and find excitement in the everyday things that most people would normally find to be mundane. Things that I would normally find to be mundane. I've been in a bit of a rut lately, and I could really stand to find a way to break free of that. After talking to my friend, it hit me. Who says "everyday" activities have to be mundane? Who says I can't find excitement in something that makes me happy and opens doors to knowledge, joy and fulfillment? And truly, for someone who works in a cubicle 40+ hours a week, a little excitement is not going to kill me!
A few short hours later, and here we are. The start of my journey for the aforementioned rut-escaping. I'm going to begin the month of March with a quest to find excitement and discovery in every day. The best option for that, for myself? A food blog. Simply put - I love food. I love that it brings people together, I love that people bond and connect when food is around. I love the tradition and the history that food maintains, while still continuing to evolve and morph into what we want it to be.
Geez, look at me, first blog post and I'm all serious and I've already mentioned the words "quest," "journey" and "discovery." Yikes... But, in all honesty, I want to keep this simple, fun and funny. The bottom line is that I love food and I love talking about food. And I would love to keep you posted about my new experiences with the following:
- Food and drink (Did I mention I love food? I don't know if that qualifies as bias...)
- New recipes
- New finds at stores and markets (I've actually never been to a farmer's market... I know, I'm ashamed about it, too)
- New fads and trends
- The occasional restaurant/bar review
- New-to-me experiences (I'm willing to go out of my comfort zone here, people! Not like Bizarre Foods zone, though...)
- Old and new culinary tools, processes, etc.
- Anything else I deem relevant/noteworthy
Alright, now that the introduction is over, it's time to figure out what I'll be discovering/learning on March 1! Until then...